When Winston said his "cherished solitude" was going to be ended, I laughed at him because apparently it seemed such a nice thing to stop being alone and to have a family-someone care about you and someone you care about. Well, now I find there is at least one good thing to be single-you are supposed to be the biggest, if not only, owner of you time!
I usually feel hard to concentrate on writing something during daytime. My daytime is always fragmented-having classes from here and then;there's always someone stopping at my office asking for directions;and especially professors passing by frequently thus I always have to prepare to say hello to not appear insolent. While I use most of my daytime for socializing, talking and doing minor missions that do not take a lot of mental activities, such as grading, the night time is mine! I'm the night owl, the vampire of Huff hall!I can sing aloud,drink up whatever how many coffees and teas without being watched,and listen to "wiered" Asian music without caring others' feelings while writing.
Despite my satisfaction with my time arrangement which secures my working efficiency, not everybody else is happy with that. Laura is always concerned with the "safety" issue of staying over in the office too late alone at night, warning me of keeping the door closed. She also thought because I worked late at night, I must suffer from a lack of sleep. Actually I get up later than most people so I sleep as much as everybody else. I felt hard to explain to her that going to bed late cured my insomnia. Bryan also snudged me:" Maybe you will change a little after the winter break." Just to think it was Bryan, the nicest and the most sensitive boy I've seen, who suggested this.
I used to feel how to arrange time is one's clandestine right,just as choosing what to eat and what to wear.But I have to admit now that no one is an isolated island. We are all somehow connected to each other thus affecting or being affected by the ones surrounding you in life.
Shall I change my schedule next semester?...........
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