Had cheese and kimchi for dinner. What a combo! One is stinky for westerners (kimchi), and the other one is stinky for Asians (cheese). Anyway, I am fond of this weird mix.
Listened to "someone's daughter" by Orton over and over again. The sad lyric: "I wish I never saw the sunshine, I wouldn't have minded the rain...wouldn't be this pain.." If I didn't know what is happiness, I would not mind being unhappy. If I did not grow up in the southeast China, I would not have minded this chilling Illinois weather!.....How dialectic!
I wish it won't be so awakward and hard for me to balance my body and mind when doing yoga soon. Always admire those who are able to handle their bodies and minds with ease and peace.
Balance, the philosiphy of living.
You should try Kimchi Pizza. The concept sounds so weird, but I love it so much. I use to get it in Japan all the time, now I found you can get it from One World Pizza on Green St!!! It was actually pretty good.
Of course my Korean friends make fun of me, cause I eat as much kimchi as they do. My most common used phrase in Korean is "Give me more Kimchi."
Anyway, I think Cheese and Kimchi go well together. The spicy and sour kimchi is complemented by the more smooth and creamy taste of the cheese. I guess it depends on the cheese too. Yeah obviously I get really excited talking about food. Of course you are talking to the guy who once made a Ham, Cheese and Kimchi sandwhich........
Kimchi pizza is fantastic, my wife always makes for me :)
Kimchi + Cheese. For me, it was like Korean and American mix in races. I found that there is an increase in number of people in this country fall into kimchi as well as more doubled people in this country. It seems like food brings people together. :)
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