We three Asians, sitting separately in the suddenly spacious coffee shop with lots of empty tables and chairs, on the afternoon of the last day of the final week.
Three lonely people.
I'm a spy.
He must be Taiwanese or Chinese. He must have been in the States for a long time. And he is browsing pictures of the landscapes of Shanghai on Wikipedia. Unbelievably tall skyscrapers. So arrogant, militant and resisting. Does he know that there is a Shanghainese girl sitting behind him? Does he know that the pictures he is looking at is a Shanghai in the touristific images? Would he want to know the Shanghai that's in my memory?
A lonely guy.
She must be Taiwanese or Chinese. She is super sensitive. She only wears safe colors - black or blue. But she always have cute accessories. Once I saw her wearing a turquoise ring. very low key but elegant. She must know that I've been observing her. She hides well. I remember she has an Indian boyfriend. A very gentle yet masculine guy. I like her and I want to be her friend. But I don't know how to invite myself without breaking the silence awkwardly and abruptly.
Three laptops.
The common air we breathe in.
Three parallel life stories.